When first to this country a stranger I came I laid my affections on a girl that was young She being fair and tender, her waist small and slender Fond nature had formed her for my overthrow On the banks of the Bann it was there I first met her She appeared like an angel or Egypt's fair queen Her eyes were like diamonds or stars brightly shining She's one of the fairest in the world that I've seen It was her cruel parents that first caused a variance Because they are rich and above my degree But I'll do my endeavor to gain my love's favour Although she is come of a high family My name is Delaney, it's a name that won't shame me And if I'd saved money I would never have roamed But drinking and sporting, night rambling and courting Are the cause of all me ruin and absence from home Now had I the riches that are in the Indies I'd put rings on her fingers and gold in her ears And there on the banks of the lovely Bann River In all kinds of splendour I'd live with my dear