Old horse old horse what brought you here Carted stones this many's the year Killed by stones and sore abuse They salt you down for sailors' use A warrior am I and at war I've been Fighting for my country and king Now I'm old and I'm in decay It's poor old horse get on your way My keeping once was the stable wall Free from all cold winds and harm Now in the fields I am forced to go Turned out in the cold and rain and snow My feeding once was the oats and hay That grew in the fields and the meadows gay Now I'll get no such at all But pull at the short grass by the wall The sailors they do me despise Kick my body and damn my eyes Cut my meat and pick my bones Throw the rest to Davey Jones Here is a hoof that was so well shod Likewise a hide that sweat so hard Whipped him lashed him drove him down Rise up old horse and shine again Acknowledgements