Trapped in my pass way back from here Autumn down fall the river of sin My wings in chains I cried in vain, how can you do this to me I'll run I'll break out of this cage 黄熊入渊穿水道 天河愁渡百丈悬 翻天浊沫吞宝鼎 沉芦弱水锁巨猿 脱鳞换甲鱼龙变 饮马逐鹿蓬藜生 野马羊角相吹息 蛮夷立帐下刀兵 一眼荒村将军笑 尺半潮头田亩空 万里汪洋河伯叹 千年一清圣人兴 Please try to awake me, danger alerts Destroyers massacres falcon attacks Shadows gravels spreading disease Bodies remains float everywhere Save us, release me From all I've been through To what's coming raid Save us, release me From all I've been through To what's coming raid Save us, release me! Trapped in my pass way back from here Autumn down fall the river of sin My wings in chains I cried in vain, how can you do this to me I'll run I'll break out of this cage Mother oh father where have you been How can your leave your son just like this From this river to the sea, get on boat and ring the bell I'll devote myself to the flow