Behold the grace that shone upon This condemned leper, prey, the one below Bring forth the sacrificial lamb Into the massacre blinded from the truth Thrown from the throne to feed the abyss Blinded from truth with bitter act The gilded frames of grand oeuvre Shimmers with delusion and betrayal Painted with alluring darkness That binds even light to itself Fall into the strangling grace ♪ The prison of thought closing in Dimming horizon, illuminating the sin Fall through the words Into the strangling grace The gilded frames of grand oeuvre Shimmers with delusion and betrayal Tearing apart from life to death Drowning forever into abyss Grace shimmers with delusion and betrayal Tearing apart from life to death Drowning into abyss ♪ Into the earth Six feet under Bury your peace And let it burn ♪ Behold the grace that shone upon This condemned leper, prey, the one below Bring forth the sacrificial lamb Into the massacre blinded from the truth The gilded frames of grand oeuvre Shimmers with delusion and betrayal Contaminating every word Prisonating scapegoat Grace shimmers with delusion and betrayal Tearing apart from life to death Drowning forever into abyss