Old Man Morris got it bad last week Fell for the widow from across the street She clipped him in the ear, she told him what's what But he couldn't keep his mind off her honey pot Silly old man with his teeth all gone Poking his nose where it don't belong She's a rose all right but she's got thorns Working on stony ground Lost his heart to Buxom Betty Throwing out the compliments like confetti Left and right, he threw them all around But everything was landed on stony ground Silly old man with his teeth all gone Poking his nose where it don't belong She's a rose all right but she's got thorns Working on stony ground ♪ Widow's got a brother, henchman too A pair of gorillas from the London Zoo They call on Morris and they tell him what's what But he can't keep his mind off her honey pot Silly old man with his teeth all gone Poking his nose where it don't belong She's a rose all right but she's got thorns Working on stony ground Kicked him in the head, poked him in the eyes Shoved him in the gutter and there he lies Dripping with blood, dripping with snot But he's still dreaming of her you-know-what Silly old man with his teeth all gone Poking his nose where it don't belong She's a rose all right but she's got thorns Working on stony ground Working on stony ground