Mmmm, mmmmm ♪ You know late one evening I went out in the outskirts of town ♪ Oh late one evening I went out on the outskirts of town ♪ You know I chose me a seat and I watched the evening sun go down ♪ Oh, I saw a little girl Dont you know you done broke my heart ♪ Oh, little girl Yeah you done broke my heart ♪ You know it so sad to say That the best friends they have to part ♪ You know I gets up soon on the morning I be feeling so sick and bad ♪ Oh, I wakes up in the morning I be feeling so sick and bad ♪ You know Im thinking about the good time Oh, that I once have had ♪ But, I say little girl ♪ Your little trouble is coming home someday ♪ Mmmm, hoooo Your little trouble is coming home someday ♪ Yeah youll be sorry That you treated poor old me this way ♪ You know look like people dont like you
When you try to be loving and kind ♪ Oh, hoo When you try being loving and kind ♪ Yeah but someday they going to like you And you be done changed your mind