Lay his ass down, put him in a fuckin' body bag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know I always keep the Mag I don't play around, even though I act like I'm sad Gucci on my waist, bitch this ain't a fuckin' fanny pack Gucci on my waist, bitch this ain't no fanny pack And i go insane while I hit that girl from the back Hit her from the back after the show And I'm counting this money all on my cash flow And that bitch is trying to get my cash flow Lay his ass down, put him in a fuckin' body bag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know i always keep the Mag Lay his ass down, put him in a fuckin' body bag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know i always keep the Mag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know i always keep the Mag Gucci on my waist, bitch this ain't a fuckin' fanny pack No, you won't ever catch me up in a fuckin' body bag Heard he was talking shit, put his ass up on the fuckin' map I stay strapped in the Scat, so nah, you won't ever catch me lack And you know i count all this Cake, i get to the fuckin' racks Lay his ass down, put him in a fuckin' body bag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know I always keep the Mag I don't play around, even though I act like I'm sad Gucci on my waist, bitch this ain't a fuckin' fanny pack Getting to the cake All while your bitch giving me face In your brain, in my brain Goin' insane I think I need faith I think her shit laced She been going insane, driving me insane Feel like I want to leave, and blow my brains Lay his ass down, put him in a fuckin' body bag .40 on me tucked, bitch you know I always keep the Mag