也許我們永遠不會改變 永遠和你的身體在對決 總在每個情緒撕裂我的時候 看著他在鏡子裡的嘴臉 看著他又嘲諷我的一切 Can you find the average? It's hard to find the average. Try to find the average, just an average of it all. Can you find the average? It's hard to find the average. Trust an average, the average of it all. 後悔我說過的每句話 後悔這一切都發生 總在每個情緒充滿我的時候 看著他在鏡子裡的嘴臉 害怕終將摧毀我的那天 Can you find the average? It's hard to find the average. Try to find the average, just an average of it all. Can you find the average? It's hard to find the average. Trust an average, the average of it all. Can you find the average? It's hard to find the average. Can you do it