The Moon - at17 镶: at17 / 何山@人山人海 监: at17 / 何山@人山人海 / 于逸尧@人山人海 Standing on the cerge of a rainbow fiinding the yellow I can hear a wave of pianos play as the rain glows Chasing after sunsets Ive been waiting for the moon to fall in in in Caught up with the things that may seem lethally tender Like you Suddenly the rain stops and i see nothing but daisies I imagine theres a michael and mary hiding to be seen Chasing after sunsets Ive been waiting for the moon to fall in in in Caught up with the things that they dont even remember Like me Chasing after sunsets Ive been waiting for the moon to fall in in in Caught up with the things that may seem lethally tender Chasing after sunsets Ive been waiting for the moon to fall in in in Caught up with the things that you wish you could remember like... Youll never win