Well now, take down your fishing pole And meet me at the fishing hole We may not get a bite all day But don't you rush away What a great place to rest your bones And mighty fine for skipping stones You'll feel as a lemonade A-setting in the shade Whether it's hot, Whether it's cool Oh, What a spot for whistling like a fool What a fine day to take a stroll And wind up at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way To pass the time of day ♪ We'll have no need to call the roll When we get to the fishing hole There'll be you, me, and old dog trey To doodle time away If we don't hook a perch or bass We'll cool our toes in dewy grass Or else pull up a weed to chaw And maybe sit and jaw Hanging around, taking our easy Watching thet hound a scratching at his fleas I won't take down your fishing hole And meet me at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way To pass the time of day