It had been three days; His parents could not find Him But the Scribes and the Pharisees were all gathered 'round Him As a boy in the temple speaking with such wisdom They were all amazed at what He said. And in the middle of it all there was Jesus The one crying in the wilderness; John the baptizer Spoke of one who was to come baptizing with fire When John baptized Him, the heavens were opened And God descended like a dove And in the middle of it all there was Jesus The wedding at Cana; the wine made from water Going to the rulers house to bring life to his daughter He spoke with authority straight from the Father No one could explain away His power And in the middle of it all there was Jesus On that hill just outside of town a man hung there bleeding Dying for the souls of men to captives bring freedom Three days later His tomb was empty He conquered death and the grave And in the middle of it all there was Jesus So no matter what you're facing. No matter where you've been In hard times or in good times keep your eyes on Him And in the heat of battle or by pleasant mountain streams He'll be right there in the middle. That's where He's always been So be strong and take courage when you think you're gonna fall 'Cause right in the middle of it all there is Jesus.