Fingers crossed I can save you from the final oohh Though if you die between his hands guess it's my fault I ain't got nothing to live for, goodbye mom I'm going back to where I'm from to meet ayy Before we met I was stalking you on ig Back when I had two babes and a side chic But then I thought about drafting you in my team And it's crazy cuz you really seemed to like me Two Montreal drug addict in the night scene Sniffing in the dark to get lit like a light beam They see us floss, ain't talking dental hygiene Hipster/Hype Beast and my bitch got really mad steez At least you hating for a reason, all you wannabes Hating on my bitch cuz you bitches really wanted me Thank god I listened to my pops always warning me Make sure not too many in yo' team if you wanna eat But dad I don't wanna eat, I just wanna sleep People asking why I'm in the dark: cuz I don't wanna see My demons always out of reach when I'm out of weed Smoking with the Devil and he help me figure how to win Fingers crossed I can save you from the final boss Though if you die between his hands guess it's my fault I ain't got nothing to live for, bye dad I'm going back to where I'm from to meet my babe Fingers crossed I can save you from the final boss And if you die between his hands guess it's my lost I ain't got nothing to live for, bye mom I'm going back to where I'm from to meet my one We both lighting up the sky like Star Wars I'm going back to where I'm from to meet my one I'm going back to where I'm from to meet my one I'm going back to where I oohh ayy Fingers cross I can save you from the final oohh I'm going back to where I from to meet