Hey You've got your boob in my scotch. Come on BOOB SCOTCH (boob scotch on the rocks) BOOB SCOTCH (boob scotch on the rocks) Well I think we need to sit down and talk, Put your boob in my scotch Come on get your tit in my drink Stir my scotch wih something with pink Aosmeoansfaosnkdf Scotch and ice mixed by a tit Help me feel better real quick Boob scotch, that's it. That's it. Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it ... Come on BOOB SCOTCH (boob scotch on the rocks) BOOB SCOTCH (boob scotch on the rocks) Come on Pass my drink round the room Everybody stick in a boob Hold it in as long as you can Then put it back in bob long's hand BOOB SCOTCH (can't be bottled or canned) BOOB SCOTCH (make you drink a boob better man) Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it up Stir it ... Yeah Uh BOOB SCOTCH (can't be bottled or canned) BOOB SCOTCH (make you drink a boob better man) Make you drink a boob better man Make you drink a boob better man Make you drink a boob better man