Jumbo Ron is lost in thought Every little moment of his life, Relentless babble in his mind! So much so that he thinks he is thoughts Lost in thought, He gets caught up in nonstop monologue, Immersed in walking dreams. Jumbo Ron; he thinks in dreams his mind Runs free but awake he's got control. He rides the flow of inner chatter as If he's the river Himself Wake up to your life! There is no thinker Only passing thoughts. Jumbo Ron has no clue that he's not Identical to his inner voice. He does not find the conscious mind To be but illumination And the thoughts just thoughts Passing through like commuters On a train. Half-remembered conversations Of a mind run amok. He rides the flow of inner chatter as if he is the River itself. Wake up to your life! There is no thinker Only passing thoughts. He rides the flow of inner chatter as if he is the River itself. It's easy to confuse your boat when it's rocking back and forth With the river itself Itself.