Who wouldn't give it away. You couldn't give it away On the Malibu breeding farm, will you meet me face to face? Fine leather and parliaments in the best room at the place. Hot Beverly's lemonade maybe something you should try, waking up with a temperature and a teardrop in your eye, and you're way too cold to cry. Namaste, monterey can't keep me away. Been bit by a burning bush I refuse the charge but need push. Copper lady of liberty, is your tenderness disguised? Over-average officer and you got keys in Van Nuys. Imagine all of the furniture and you know where this will end; making nuclear enemies cause they're really our friends, it's a fence that cannot mend. The way we are the love it cost I'm never sure what's lost. But since you've take me in and been my go-to friend and boss. Namaste, monterey same thing either way. I been kissed by the wonder kush i refuse the charge but could use the push.