Where did the yodellers go? Does anyone know Where the good old yodellers go? You know, it's been quite a while since I heard it old-style On the good old radio It used to be quite a part of the country music art As the yodellers would yodel along You know, it always thrills me, and sets my heart free To hear a good old yodellin' song Now, just to name a few, of the yodellers' do When the yodel up the yodellin' song Elton Britt was a guy who could yodel so high Kenny Roberts could yodel along Eddie Arnold was good, and Slim Whitman should be Among us who could put on a show But, it's been a long time, and it seems a crime Where did the good old yodellers go? Where did the yodellers go? Does anyone know Where the good old yodellers go? You know, it's been quite a long time and it seems a crime Where did the good old yodellers go? Where did the yodellers go? Does anyone know? Does anyone know where they go? Well, it's been a long time and it seems a crime Where did the good old yodellers go?