We are like the dreamer who dreams And lives inside a dream Is it future or future past Nothing ever lasts So many questions We know the answer to Then why did I ever ask Is it future or future past Save the worst for last With every door once opened slammed shut How will we ever last And I'm beginning to understand Understand that I know nothing at all You look like You've seen a thing or two But what's the matter What's the matter You look like you've seen a ghost You look like you've Seen your ghost It's okay now Cause one day we all must die My god, my god Take me instead of her Careful what you wish for Desire is never as it Seems You were sleeping As her being slips away Will the circle be unbroken Will it one day be Completely free to be And free to be awake Aren't we all but sleepers Who live inside a dream Well what do you make of that Always more questions with you What more can I ask There's just not an answer my love Time is running out And it kills me to watch you waste Cause I just want to love you Now until the end of time Sleep now Cause one day you will die Did you walk out the door Didn't come out the other side Did you fall through the floor To sleep beneath the earth tonight