Digging you up On the bus The window looks blurry you look different It feels like it's been years I'm still reflecting I should've been there for you And now everything feels empty My stomach is sinking I'm so sorry In hindsight I see everything clearer I wish I realised before it's not much use now I wish I hadn't let you down You didn't deserve that I'm sorry that's my bad I'll carry all there memories with me I'd like to go back there but we've grown seperately I'm doing alright but somehow everything feels empty Hope you're okay you're probably better off without me Doing the things I love has never felt this desolate And every time I try to write something you're in my head You make me want to forget all the hurtful shit you said Every time I write it'd about you I miss you so bad I wanna reconnect with you feel like an idiot I see you everywhere planned my future with you in it So naive I should know things never work out as planned Tried to do something good turned into something bad Yeah we had something good I want back what we had Never thought that I could connect as deep as that Didn't want things to happen this way rounf I can't turn them back around Now my insides are falling into my hands I dug you up On the bus The windows were blurry cause I was choking up It feels like it's been years that I've been thinking about it I should've been there for you The truth is I was so damn angry I couldn't see past the red I'm sorry