I was born a seven and it's one sign Seven is my favourite one Number of perfection in some countries Culture is so vast that I can't tell all about Even seven notes in a musical air Or the seven sins that sometimes guide my way You've got seven years for a pact with the devil And seven years when you break mirrors But seven colors for a rainbow Seven days for a week with you Seven wonders in the world And seven years for revival You've got the astral down made of seven worlds The seventh art is also my favourite one Seven means "creation" in India Without forgetting seven lotus chakras More mystic is the Apocalypse The beast is described with awful seven heads In the Hebraic tales seven means "take a vow" There is a seven stars mystery But you're still joking with me Cause you hate sundays which are the seventh days But I don't mind this time it's OK You're born a eight, one day after seven After seven