Yea We only keep in touch via Venmo Saw you had lunch with so and so Then you saw a movie with your cousin Eatin popcorn and ur phone starts buzzin Ohhhh! Apple TV slide show Tea we could never find the remote See, I don't need you anymore Check the couch man! check the floor! Never doin this again And i can't see my finger tips Guess I didn't eat dinner Frothin' at the mouth lookin like a real winner Woohoo! At the warehouse party At the warehouse party Same damn warehouse party But you ain't standing right in front of me Decant my blood decant my blood Cut off my fingers and leave my thumbs Cause I Need more oxygen in my lungs Runnin round town givin two thumbs up Yea Everything I write sounds dumb Came to kick some ass and now i'm fresh out of gum Member when ain't even a conversation Hate where we all at so we go back to where we're from Now We only keep in touch via Venmo Saw you had dinner with so and so Then you saw a movie with your cousin Eatin' popcorn then ur phone starts buzzin It ain't me on the other end It ain't me on the other end It ain't me on the other end Not fuckin up now not givin in