The first is the spirit of life, with the constitution of man The second the spirit of sight, with which ariseth desire The essence of sins through fondness for pleasure The third is the sense of hearing, with which cometh teaching The fourth is the sense of scent; with which tastes are given By breathing, fragrances enter in Seven spirits are employed against man; leaders in the works of youth Joined with fantasy; darkening his mind from the truth The fifth is the power of speech, with which cometh knowledge The sixth is the sense of taste, with which cometh ingestion For in feast is the foundation of strength The seventh the spirit of lust, which is filled with ignorance It leadeth the youth astray, as a blind man to a pit As a beast to a deadly precipice Seven spirits are employed against man; leaders in the works of youth Joined with fantasy; darkening his mind from the truth Love the truth, and it will preserve you Pay no heed to the face of a woman Nor associate with another man's wife Nor set your mind on their affairs Walk in singleness of the heart in fear of the Lord Seven spirits are employed against man; leaders in the works of youth Joint with fantasy; darkening his mind from the truth Seven spirits are employed against man; leaders in the works of youth Joint with fantasy; darkening his mind from the truth