(In the year 200X) (Dr. Light created a super robot named MegaMan) (MegaMan defeated Dr. Wily once) (Now Dr. Wily has created 8 new robots of his own) My name is MegaMan And i'll do all i can To save mankind (Metal Man) (Air Man) (Wood Man) (Flash Man) (Defeated) I want to be the one who fights for justice I want to be the one (I've got to be the one) I want to be the one who fights against you Dr. Wily I've been built by Dr. Light A robot built to fight For what's right against wrong I will save all of you It's MegaMan part two I'm dressed in blue This is my song I can't believe how much i fought I beat your eight robots It's time to stop Dr. Wily Ready Its time to get set Put on your blue helmet This time we'll get Dr. Wily (Lets get him) (Wood Man) (Heat Man) (Bubble Man) (Crash Man) (Deleted) I want to be the one who fights for justice I want to be the one (I've got to be the one) I want to be the one who fights against you Dr. Wily My name is MegaMan And I'll do all I can To save mankind