A fluorescent sunburnt bride Walks gently down the aisle A marriage of unsure smiles, Of money hidden under tiles, Waiting for clarifying tides While your toes were planted firmly in the snow She turns left and makes a run right for the door Awoke to find your ideal life had gone to someone else Your weary eyes; Personified a crab without a shell To fill the hole you try to think of Colorado in the fall Quit work to feel the burn of an unrequited love Where you're not the someone else But you can kind of feel their heartache Cause you can kind of see yourself Sometimes the yearning is the sell It's the complicated pull after a tilt Are you in it for the chase or to be filled? Afraid to find your ideal life had gone to someone else Your weary eyes; Personified a crab without a shell To fill the hole you try to think of Colorado in the fall Quit work monetize your soul Terrified that answers lead to an unknown That there are cancers in a purpose, Dreams are flawed But there's a beacon in a door Future's grizzly in your big Sur When it's just in postcards Who wears the fur? It's in good intentions we steer secure But when the future stares back will you be blurred