I wanna wake up feeling new In a room with a mountain view Where my knees don't creak, feel weak from running Altitude it soothes when your soles worn bloody But you can't You know you can't hide from it Burying the seeds doesn't seem to stop the growing I'm a rusty bike, one that just needs fluid It's a fix so easy even you could do it But you can't keep up with the speed of the ride You hit a bump and you break your spine You can't find your breaks, you can't find your way But you need to stop so you use your legs Oh, and you get so tired, hungry and your knees sore All that you want is a ride home To sleep in a bed that's next to the one you love Calling Lola, are you out there? Is the air warm? Are you sheltered? I swear I'll find our spot some day Seen the map once in a dream state There's just some places, some haunted I've got to explore To get to imaginary places only seen in folklore Except I've seen it, I've seen you, I've loved you before So I'll keep punching at the walls hoping somewhere there's a door Til' my hands grow weak like a dream that's not lucid I would wake my self up but I just can't move them I'm so tired You get so tired, hungry and your knees sore All that you want is a ride home To sleep in a bed that's next to the one you love Hope you can wait, hope you stop to grease your chain But understand if you had to pedal; the wind was at your back A perfect day Lunch on the beach facing the bay The omnipresent sound of all the waves that we've heard along the way I'll see your face And hope the still outweighed the change And we can pedal off together, I'll even let you set the pace