Stay Dead And outta this World That which grips the sham Feed not from this hand Nothing But Fiends, pussies, and fabulists So fucking stay Dead And out of This Black mirrored neverland Spiritual exam Vexatious scam of Festering conditionings Blindly hexed, pie faced beings Clinging on to impotence Cognitive dissonance Bathing in what is true, the truth no more than lies They'll heed not this, and shrug him off for he's just permafried Dissociate, isolate, gaze him as he goes Presumptions of lunacy, what the fuck they know? As they straddle razored fangs and spew forth scum across the lane Piling up the flood with this toxic fucking rain Lined to submit, worthless shits swimming with the flies Vanquished selves behind the shelf, freedom flex downsized Next to virtued taboos one can touch, scorned and scorched for doing such Blind eyed glares from never beens As satan's nut drips from their chins With fucking empty eyes No surprise Non playable lives!