Come along with me Come along with me Come along with me. We gon take along walk Take along walk. take along walk Take along walk. On this Journey So Lucifer told our mom we wouldn't surely die Yeah that's the path I'm headed on Got my chucks laced up Packed a pair of heels too for times I have to play the part I Packed up them scriptures in case I get lost In case I get hungry, tired, scared Or all of the above Along the way I Hope to come across a few Energy bars If some of them turn up (Turn up) I don't Mind sharing at all I'm going on a journey, one that's life long I'll be back for you He said, make sure you keep your light on. Mine is shining bright although at times I Feel a little dim I made the choice to walk down this narrow path, while I wait for Him Funny, It's like each step was ordered. Oh wait, they actually were. .yes, of course, well In that's the case here's some music Use it as the soundtrack of your life Use it as a soundtrack to the human Experience as a believer in Christ... Keep listening, you'll hear a few ol' school tendencies. Keep living long enough you'll see the wisdom in That (me?) I am a blossoming reflection of the ancient of Days learning what it means to walk in all of His ways. There will be some ups and downs, Sometimes I'll have to sprint and Other times I can stop and watch the Clouds and Ponder on things deep like why I am I even here? And what's the reason that He made me? Is life about having a good time And experiencing as much pleasure as you can before you die? I guess when I get where I'm going I'll have all the Answers that I'm looking for then, it'll all make sense Right? Well I sure Hope so I sure Hope so We all go at a different pace. Life gets hard sometimes and slows us down call those the breaks Striving for better can cause withdrawals Call those the shakes But there's one willing to walk with us through it, No matter how long it takes I know His grace, it is sufficient and I'm living, Under the shadow of the most high. So you might interrupt me but you cannot kill my vibe. Come Walk with me, talk with me as I follow Christ On that Harriet Tubman, we chasing freedom tonight, I Said, Come Walk with me talk with me as I follow Christ On that Harriet Tubman, we chasing freedom tonight. Come along with me... we gon take a long walk... take a long walk