The bonding hormone it's sometimes called And also opioids, are very densely shuttled back and forth Between neurons and this nucleus accumbent region The thing that seems strange initially was Why would you get more of this reward Circuitry activated in people who aren't doing as well They're looking at a photo at someone that they yearn for And yearning is maybe another way of saying craving So, it seems and we don't have longitudinal studies That show this but You can interpret the result That most of us as we come to understand The world without our loved ones Our brain is able to recognize that the photo of this person Doesn't any longer predict That we're going to see them That as much as we may have memories and good memories When we look at a photograph It's not the same as cueing us to try and reach out for them For the people who have complicated grief They do seem to persist in really wanting that person Although they cognitively know the person is gone They persist in wanting them to be there It's an overwhelming feeling And in fact the activation in this region was correlated So those who had higher activation in this area Also told us they had the highest levels of yearning When we just asked them How much do you yearn on a daily basis for your deceased loved one