I dream uh-of you,/(Ooooooo.) My heart wanders all the day./(Ooooooo.) But I, I miss you most of all,/(Ooooooo.) At night, dear heart./(Ooooooo.) Whe-enn daar-ahh-ah-arkness falls,/(Ooooooo.) An-dI walk along the street,/(Ooooooo.) I'll gaze at every girl I meet,/(Ooooooo.) Hoping it's you./(Ooo-ooo-ooo.) I know,/(Doooo, doooo.) Know I won't last./ /(Doooo, doh-doh-doh-doh.) Darling if I don't,/ /(Doh-doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh-doh.) See you soon./ /(Doh-doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh-doh.) My haar-ah-ah-eart,/ /(Doh-doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh-doh.) Beats for you./ /(Doh-doh-doh-doh, doh-doh-doh-doh.) All I do is/(Doh doh doh.) ((Gaze, gaze at the moon.)) I-I-I know where well will be.{1}/(Ooooooo.) And I'll never leave your side./(Ooooooo.) We'll do things we used to do,/(Ooooooo.) At night./(Ooo-ooo ooo-ooooo-ooo-ooo.), repeated with style variations: Ah-I know I won't last./ /(Boom boom boom boom.)/ /(Even though you left me dear.)/ /(Boom boom boom boom.) Darling if I don't see you soon./ /(Boom boom boom boom.)/ /(Ever see you anymore.)/ /(Boom, boom, boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom.) My haar-ah-ah-eart beats for you./ /(Boom boom boom boom.)/ /(Beating faster for you.)/ /(When we part.)/ /(Boom boom boom boom.) All I do is/(Boom boom.) ((Gaze, gaze at the moon.)) 3, repeated with slight style variations: Oh-oh-oh-oh-ah know,/(Ooooooo.) /Where well will be.{1} And I'll never leave your side./(Ooooooo.) We'll do things we used to do,/(Ooooooo.) ((At night.)) Johnny Reed: We got an in at night.{2}