Evoking The Turbulator Provoking The Mantilla Invoking The Atalaya Heat and expansion draws the air in red fire, (Southern Quadrangle) As white djinns of the culminating mid-day guard the flaming sword Cold, contracting wetness makes the blue sign, (West Sextet) And the grey ghost assists the Adeptus (Graduum Montis) Vibrate Three Times, Gahoachma Odo Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel Od Voanu Zodakara Eka Zodakare Od Zodameranu Widdershins dissipate the morning light in the Eastern guise Therefore, (Parallelogram) the Rеd Philosophus Grades the Zelator in fеat Black mages of the night, and watchtowers, (Antipode) Rouse upon the totems and Pantacles (The Spectacles) Vibrate Six Times, Onophis Odo Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel Od Voanu Evoking The Turbulator Provoking The Mantilla Invoking The Atalaya Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi