I took a nightswim I took a nightswim Just one more light until the ocean Just one more drink before the road Runs out but for the moment 水波不興的海水 islay 還在杯子裏 讓知道夜長的人眼裏流光溢彩 會使妳遊走于隔靴搔癢和切膚之痛 越想要克制 越陷入失控 讓能言善變的人都失聰 我喝止車廂裏舞動的影子幻滅 被刹車燈的光束刺中了 那些柔軟的東西 割喉口感的沖劑 是止痛 是後半夜裏讓自我防禦偷懶的東西 站在轟然坍塌的牆和記憶的 斷垣殘壁裏那位盤發的姑娘 眼裏流淌著江水般柔情和善意 在杯底湧動是濃得化不開的情和金色的光 I took a nightswim In the blue in the ocean In the poison in the potion I took a nightswim In the mood in emotion In the room where we used to be went for a nightswim In the blue in the ocean went for a nightswim In the mood in emotion I thought I washed it down like a good rinse Or more like currents eventually washing me Up ashore and before then I swim good and drink deep 我輕車熟路讓心底的激蕩 此刻都偃旗息鼓 回憶的禁區都開放 未曾表露的情緒 此刻被允許了 思維變得清晰 So I could see through I thought what we been through Like somehow we immune to Thought we could see through I thought what we been through made us special Like somehow we immune to the vicissitudes Thought we could see through All the Bullshit and everything and everything How could I see through 謊言有多真 How could I see through 這口酒多深 How could I see through 妳也沒多問