I've tried to fight pessimism To look for an explanation to the prime Weakness we seem to convey: A strong drive to destroy ourselves All statements have turned out to conduct To a maze of suspect justifications Encased between hermetic walls of incertitude Axioms appear so contrived And science, the paragon of devious crafts I struggle to assimilate this fact: No wisdom brings solace I start to realize the limitations of My attempt to truly understand the misery of men The more I look inside, The more I' am prone to deride the basis of every creed: To know is to be saved I'm lost, standing at the crossroads With no means to decide on a better course No choice appears convenient, no pathway predominates Unsure to ever escape my posture of inflexible disbelief I decide but to abandon this hunt for significance Nothing is true, nothing is eternal, There's no reward for steadfast belief In a flawed system of assumption But a breakdown of cognition gears To deprave the core of all knowledge And confer it the arrays of faith Is to increase the prospect of oversight and absurdity