As long as i can blow in through this glass To make those tiny waves of the sound They are not the waves of new york They are not the waves of the pole They are so tiny And i can be speeding I can be calmly speeding Like a camera like a fabled head Like a whale like the mail Like a cloud of booze on the girl Is it her is she me Is it her is she me I don't know Gone short came high As far as i am down to drown In the quietest things I see all the things in my room I see all the things about town I see they're shiny And i sleep among them I sleep among and along them Like a baby like milk shoulder beachless king Like i've got no idea of what i rule I behave like grave You fooled me but It's worth the company What shall i do with that Poorly lip-synched copy of you Dwarfed under the skies kick me may You feel obliged to pick me i let flies Flick me away your strong hands trick Me and make me gay