Waiting Changing Quickly Aging Washed up Faded Conquered Jaded Down to the ground Falling under the Weight of the ground Falling under the Crushed under the weight of your sound Crushed under the weight of your ground Your ground says this is the way Your ground begging me to stay Your ground says this is the way Your ground begging me to stay Washed up Faded Conquered Jaded Washed up Faded Conquered Jaded Washed up Faded Conquered Jaded Waiting Changing Quickly Aging Washed up Faded Conquered Jaded Down to the ground Falling under the Weight of the ground Falling under the Crushed under the weight of your sound Crushed under the weight of your ground Your ground says this is the way Your ground begging me to stay Your ground says this is the way Your ground begging me to stay Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging Quickly Aging No