Rage! Boundless and beautiful, guide my dory Sing! Those who're Stygian-bound! Sing, the song of my glory Scream your eternal laments and ready yourselves for Hades' embrace Your corpses creating a banquet for canine and crow Oh my thanks to you Calchas for freeing me from my prison on Skyros The Aegean ocean air fills my lungs as I stand amidst other Achaeans My Hephaestus -forged armaments clenched, Ready like reeds to etch my name in history My mother tells me, the immortal goddess Thetis, That two fates will bear me on to the day of death If I hold out here and I lay siege to Troy, My journey home is gone, but my glory will never die But if I voyage back to the fatherland I love, My pride, my repute, my glory dies The Moirai have fated my decision decided, A grander trophy: immortality in aristeia Nine years have passed... and many have fallen beneath my blades Twelve cities razed by the Achaean army The Trojan efforts crushed before our coalition Our victories unabated until routed by hierarchical hubris Apollo punished us with plagues and maladies A sacrifice was made, and my confidence betrayed: Chryseis for Briseis Bastard! The disrespect, the folly, the myopia If Agamemnon cannot see, my absence shall be his and others' misery Patroclus, my empathic friend, couldn't bear witness or acquiesce Donning my linothorax he impersonated me and was met with fatality Even Olympus heard my howls of rage In an instant everything was taken from me I herded my friend and Myrmidon kin to Hades Then suddenly, my Mother appeared tearful With new armor and shield in hand Moirai be damned, I'll take Hector's life with my own two hands My Hephaestus -forged armaments clenched, Ready like reeds to etch my name in history My rage beckons me, deserving Trojan-culprits That their blood and pain echo well after their deaths Fodder discarded and Scamander incensed I standing before the murderer and exclaim I only wish my fury would compel me, To cut away your flesh and eat it raw For what you've done, no one can keep the dogs off of your head The battle now over, Hector was slain yet my rage remained Aghast, Troy watched as I tethered their champion behind my chariot Triumphantly circling its walls dragging desecrated corpse in tow The peace of Elysium this man will never know His cunning father crept his way into our camp Priam tearfully pleaded for his son's body's return He explained Peleus will one day come to mourn me too Crestfallen father, you're permitted to leave with your son's remains Hector and I are both preordained to doom We men are wretched things