Lesson 75 ordinals numbers Vi a la primera persona I saw the FIRST person I saw the FIRST person Huesped Guest Guest Era la segunda casa de huespedes It was the SECOND guest's house It was the SECOND guest's house Fue mi tercer dedo It was my THIRD finger It was my THIRD finger ¿Donde esta el cuarto campesino? Where is the FOURTH farmer? Where is the FOURTH farmer? El es el quinto abogado de ellos He is their FIFTH lowyer He is their FIFTH lowyer Ellos hablaron al sexto agente de viajes They talked to the SIXTH travel agent They talked to the SIXTH travel agent El fue el septimo pescador He was the SEVENTH fisherman He was the SEVENTH fisherman El fue el octavo ingeniero You were the EIGHTH engineer ⚒ You were the EIGHTH engineer ¿Fue ella la novena cientifica? Was she the NINETH scientist? Was she the NINETH scientist? Le hablare al decimo guia I will talk with the TENTH guide I will talk with the TENTH guide Le hable al undecimo piloto I talked to the ELEVENTH pilot I talked to the ELEVENTH pilot El fue el duodecimo cocinero He was the TWELFTH cook He was the TWELFTH cook Ella sera la decimoseptima enfermera She will be the SEVEENTH nurse She'll be the SEVEENTH nurse Sere el vigesimo conductor I will be the TWENTIETH driver I'll be the TWENTIETH driver Usted sera el vigesimoprimer secretario You will be the TWENTY-FIRST secretary You'll be the TWENTY-FIRST secretary Usted sera el vigesimosegundo bombero You will be the TWENTY-SECOND fireman You'll be the TWENTY-SECOND fireman Ese fue el vigesimotercer vendedor That was the TWENTY-THIRD salesman That was the TWENTY-THIRD salesman Fue mi trigesimo cumpleaños It was my THIRTIETH birthday It was my THIRTIETH birthday Sera su septugesimo aniversario de bodas It will be their SEVENTIETH weeding aniversity It will be their SEVENTIETH weeding aniversity Escribi mi octogesima tarjeta postal I wrote my EIGHTIETH postcard I wrote my EIGHTIETH postcard Recibi my nonagesima carta