Too young to die, not old enough to vote Next year your gonna choke from the cigarette smoke Got a diploma, cap and gown Gonna do your best not to make your dad frown The next four years is of downin' beers, Taking off braziers, doing drugs with peers But it appears that you're here for an internship So you can get a "good job" and a house to split Now you're twenty five, feeling alive 'Jive at a dive after your nine to five' You got a girlfriend, she may have moved in She said, "fuck the kitchen, i'm a career woman" Then one night after glasses of wine You passed the band, you asked the line You've turned thirty two, hate what you do Your marriage ain't stale, but it sure ain't new Goodbye Seventeen to thirty five Goodbye Heavenly dreams of youth tonight I used to think i needed Some type of life like that Let my neighbors hear me with a gatsby type of laugh I could take the cake and slice the pie in half And no one would ever question why Except for dear old i The only trouble is with that life It's overly-prescribed, very trit It's the morphine or the knife before you die Goodbye Seventeen to thirty five Goodbye Heavenly dreams of youth tonight