Wrecked and wretched On the verge of collapse Losing touch, letting go Watching us lose grasp Roaming alone these cold dark halls Dwelling on the past Memories distort reality Nostalgia offers empty comfort Nostalgia is a fucking liar Nostalgia offers empty comfort Traitor take my hand Through hell or high water Self-absorbed romance Take til there's nothing left Lighting silent fires Desperate for warmth Traitor take my hand Through hell or high water Self-absorbed romance Take til there's nothing left Two empty cliches Scared to rot alone Two empty cliches Scared to rot alone Wrecked and wretched On the verge of collapse Losing touch, letting go Watching us lose grasp Frauds filling voids Walking on glass Frail filaments of broken promises Roads paved in false pretense Fools afraid of death Settle for anything Running from the cold Headfirst in the flames