Like a delta, I diverge Further and further I'm continuing to serve Different idols left and right I prey on their weakness But all I'm trying is to hide My heart aching I am anxious to arrive At your shoreline At your feet Meeting my end at the sea For my name's sake, I'll sustain In bringing together who I am and what you gave I stayed too long in that cell Keeping your promise, you delivered me from hell Yes, she, her softness laid bare my heart Yeah, she can heal me When the day comes where I'll see you We'll be together anew So many stories got inside my head Lately, my dreams were about you instead Still, there's one thing I'm not sure I'll ever accept: that judgment But I will not have to act like I'm clean or okay I won't be bothered to tidy my place Either you'll take me or never embrace I'm full of flaws and I barely have changed