Feel the wrath of the Tyrannt's son Feast on the blood of the innocent The curse of the wretched existence Tormenting my mind Corrupted and twisted Frail and sickening punishment Break my fucking mind I open the temple gates and punish your world with my suffering Žalospev Ukážem svet jak ho vidím ja Corruption Malevolent roots growing through my bones Hniloba Cez moj hnev ucítiš bolesť Parasite Inherit pain of a dying god Throne with no king, kingdom without crown You'll all be equal when your flesh boils all thе same No names, just faces mеlted in eternal pain Eternal Suffering Death is singing through your bones Laments of your dying hope Temple of Taglaroth A death of seraph Raised in the cradle of ignorance Awaken the kings and feast on the gods Foundation of bones and flesh Corruption Umierať každý deň je požehnanie Parazit Creeping through the eyes of innocence Skaza Hnev Zealot crowning of the Death Suffering Cítiš bolesť samé utrpenie Taglaroth Curse embedded within human flesh Ničota Skaza uvalená na váš svet Regicide This is upheaval of the fallen god