There's a second to get up before the second slip There's a second to patch up emptiness There's a second to learn who you are before the meaning changes But there is no second course There's a second to clean up your face before the second spit There's a second before the apple starts to rust There's a second to re-adjust your bags and take a second turn But there is no second course And i know that it's a bite i can't digest I know i can't leave it to the side And yes, i'm furious too Yes, i'm furious There's a second to prop up new walls before the second quake There's a second to sit back and meditate And there's a second thought. and there's a second door But there is no second course And i know that i can knit a world that fits me But i know i can't rewind I know i cannot bribe time And yes, i'm furious too Yes, i'm furious We're thrown in and soon enough we are a member of this endless countdown I'm deep down but in a second i could start to kick my way back to the atmosphere There's a second of despair before you make it big There's a second to reveal your frailty There's a second to learn who you are before the meaning changes But there is no second course And yes, i'm furious too Yes, i'm furious like you