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☆☆★ AGENDA ABIERTA: Sesiones de #CanalizacióndeCantoMedicina y #CuraciónChamánica por Luvi Torres. Contacta aquí, Gracias: ★☆☆ ♡ Bio en Español: Cantante, compositorx, músicx y productorx (AR). Es unx de lxs cantorxs o cantautorxs más eclécticxs e innovadorxs del nuevo folklore argentino. Su desempeño como solista trasciende la unión entre músicas del mundo, canto ancestral, alternativa, rock, pop, lo-fi, folklore digital y healing music, logrando un sonido fresco y demoledor, auténtico y referencial: nuevo y ancestral a la vez. MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS POR ESCUCHAR MI MÚSICA, BUEN DÍA ♡ ★☆☆ OPEN AGENDA: #Shamanic Healing and Medicine Chant Sessions by Luvi Torres. Contact here, Thanks: ☆☆★ ♡ English Bio: Singer, composer, musician, and producer (AR). They´s is one of the most eclectic and innovative artists, singers and songwriters of the new Argentinian folk;. Their performance as a soloist transcends the union between world music, ancestral chants, alternative, rock, pop, lo-fi, digital folk and healing music, achieving a fresh and devastating sound, authentic and referential: new and ancestral at the same time. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LISTEN MY MUSIC, HAVE A GOOD DAY! ♡ My Instagram: @luvitahau Wiii Records By Luvi Torres My Independent Record Label @wiiirecords My Site: 🦅