Nao Kodama

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2005年唄とマンドリン、ギターからなるアコースティック・ユニット ”YoLeYoLe”を結成。 2009年ソロ活動を開始、1st Album『MAKER』 、2010年2nd Album『SPARK』をリリース。2011年7月 "児玉奈央と青柳拓次" 名義で、カバーアルバム『Family Songs』を発売。 2019年4月セルフプロデュースによる9年振りのアルバム『IN YOUR BOX』をリリース、ツアーを開催。同年12月Nao Kodama × Kan Sano名義でシングル「瀬戸際のマーマレード」を配信/7inchでリリース。 2020年12月初の弾き語りアルバム『Revelation(レベレーション)』をCD/配信/LPでリリース。 2022年7月ドキュメンタリー映画「ゆめパのじかん」の音楽とナレーションを担当。 心地良く柔らかいながらも、時に力強い唄は人の心にまっすぐ届く。印象的なその唄声に魅了されるファンが多い。 In 2005, Nao Kodama was a part of an acoustic unit “YoLeYoLe,” which included the mandolin, the guitar, and vocal. Since 2009, Nao Kodama started her solo activities. She released her first album MAKER in 2009, and her second album SPARK in 2010. In July of 2011, under the name of “Nao Kodama & Takuji Aoyagi,” she released a cover album named Family Songs. In April of 2019, she self-produced and released her full album IN YOUR BOX after 9 years and started touring. In December of the same year, she released her single Setogiwa-no-Marmalade under the name of “Nao Kodama x Kan Sano.” In February of 2020, a limited 7-inch vinyl of the same single was released. In December of 2020, Nao Kodama released her first guitar accompanied album Revelation released digitally and also through CD. In June of 2021, it was released as a 12-inch vinyl. Her soft and cozy voice blankets people with comfort, but her voice also carries boldness and strength that reaches straight to people’s hearts. Fans are mesmerized by her voice that leaves an unforgettable impression.