I sailed to the west with a schoolmate of mine Together we shared the hard toil. It was hard times at home which caused us to roam, No work for the sons of the soil. So I bade my old mother and father goodbye, And I said I'll not be long away; Though it's ten years have passed, fortune's favoured at last And I'm leaving Australia today. I sailed to the west with a dear friend of mine, Each having a share in one claim And taking bad luck as it came with the rest, And working on each of the same Til a cowardly blow struck my poor pal low, Who struck it I never could tell; Though I'll carry him home with his share of the gold For his mother and dear sister, Nell. So I'll take it back to my own country That's far away across the sea Right back to the scenes of my childhood Where there'll be a welcome for me Well it's many's the year it has passed and gone Since I left old England's shore, And may God speed the vessel which carries me back To my dear old homeland once more.