Misi Ke

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The life of folk singer-songwriter isn’t an easy path, but it’s one Taipei’s misi Ke has walked proudly for over a decade. Starting in 2008, she has forged a niche for herself by sheer force of will. Ke’s debut full-length album, Play, garnered multiple nominations at some of Taiwan’s biggest music awards ceremonies for Best New Artist, Best Folk Song, Best Album, and more. Her second album, Don’t Make a Sound, was lauded just as highly, furthering Ke’s already shimmering reputation. Ke has also become known for her fruitful collaborations with fellow artists from around the world, like from the US, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. She has also delved into the world of soundtrack work, where she has found success as well, taking home the statue for Best Theme Song at the 2019 Asian Academy Creative Awards. With the arrival of her latest album, Drawing Dialogue, Ke will continue to reshape indie folk and folktronica in a mold of her own creation, introduces yet more elements to her ever-evolving sound, with dashes of electronica and even alternative pop. 柯泯薰身兼創作歌手、製作人、詩人等多重身分,她的詞曲風格溫暖,且富有靈性。除了擅長的民謠、Band Sound 風格之外,近期的音樂創作更展現出電氣空間的迷離逼人。目前,柯泯薰已實體發行《遊樂》、《不能發出聲音》與《畫話》三張創作專輯以及《We Stay Here》EP,並曾多次入圍金音獎及金曲獎。擅於跨界展現多種音樂可能性的她,亦有包括美國、日本、泰國、新加坡等國際的音樂創作者、Promoter、電影和戲劇單位主動邀約合作,也在 2019 年憑單曲《倒轉卡帶》獲亞洲影藝創意大獎最佳影視主題歌曲獎。柯泯薰的人與聲音有如孩子般的稚氣純淨、又可以是全然交付的強壯無畏。在演出中,她常帶領聽眾一起創造並融合於現場聲音實驗之中。她僅抱一把吉他,便綻放熱能光芒。令人感動的,從不只是她動人的旋律而已。在這喧囂世代,每每聆聽,總能學會溫暖擁抱自己。