Ex Nihilo Diabulus in Musica Itxaropena ez duzu galdu behar, beti gogoratu nor Zaren Zurekin egongo gara iluntasunean zure bidea Argitzen Time passes by still i remain the same A shadow in a misty land I am confined will this be my demise? I am a mirage in the sand Will i be brought to life? I am alive But roaming like a ghost A haunted soul who fights alone Contending with misery and despair Longing for somewhere to belong After the storm, after the nightmare A new world dawns to let me in Ex nihilo, ad futurum Exurge, perge! You won't be able to repair the damage you've Encountered Forever you are doomed, can't flee from destiny I am constrained I want to take the helm The force of the tide swept me away I need to find something to weave again The mystic net of my life that was frayed After the storm, after the nightmare A new world dawns to let me in I have to move on with my life Try to learn from all that's left behind Yearning for tomorrow A brand new day Just another chance You won't be able to repair the damage you've Encoutered Forever you are doomed, can't flee from destiny, Change your destiny Itxaropena ez duzu galdu behar, beti gogoratu nor Zaren Zurekin egongo gara iluntasunean zure bidea Argitzen Leave your ghosts behind, open your eyes, the dawn Is breaking...