Pistons of ancient steel Try to rip through their cage Slaves to the fuel Forever To old dead gods They pray Sweet thunderblood fuels their anger Wheels under orders to march A chain whip ruled by fire Forcing him closer to me To die Too late he'll pray for his life To no one He will soon know he's not immortal My love Embrace me tonight Dance with me in the swampland Give in let it pull you under Merge with the dark night Gasp and fill your lungs Let cold and poisonous water heal you We'll be dead yet alive No more hateful lies when reborn You will know you've become immortal In the forest groweth trees From the heavens it is seen Out of evil your bright sheen And I hail from the sea I will go again towards the shore The trees burn hot with hate Your hour's growing late My sea will have to wait Evil ways I must negate I will return to sea once more Your blood black as pitch dry as dust deadly fungi spores Your conscience a dream full of screams full of evil lore Your song's like the plague set the stage for the end of times But the dance of fire ends the evil choir's cry Take sight of the night 'cause you know it will be your last The last spell you weaved was the last spell you'll ever cast Consumed by the flames the fumes from your flesh makes you high Your eyes start to boil and your mind knows the reason why Where are you my child my daughter Were you stolen defiled or slaughtered? Mother prays, for your soul Your return In her dreams, you're on coal Then you burn I am trapped by her flesh dear father Her strong grip if I thresh gets harder Soon be I, fit for urn Not for grave Soaked in oil, I will burn As she craved That was not me in the fire You burned that sweet girl Your soul is lost Forever To hell we're bound Together Sweet prince we are wed by bloodshed My love Embrace me tonight Dance with me in the swampland Give in let it pull you under Merge with the dark night A sweet young maiden Gracefully walks through the glade Her eyes are ancient But their gaze is like that of a blade The woods grow silent As they do when a hunter comes near Flint strikes metal Death comes now and here It went right through her The shot from the hunter's gun She hissed her curses But silence came before she was done Sweet young maiden Rots back to her old true state Evil magic Powerless now, it's too late Stars shine forever The white moon keeps them safe My sweet tributary flows to the sea And sends me towards my wet grave Never will I see the glowing sun Left to sleep by the waves My soul disappears through the void And floats cold in the darkness forever