When I was a young girl my fortune was sad I once went a-courting a true sailor lad I courted him dearly by night and by day But now for a sailor he's gone far away If I were a blackbird I'd whistle and sing I'd follow that vessel my true love sails in And on the top rigging I'd there build my nest And lay there all night on his lily-white breast My love's tall and handsome in every degree His parents despise him because he loves me Although they despise him and say what they may With breath in my body I'll love him always If I were a blackbird I'd whistle and sing I'd follow that vessel my true love sails in And on the top rigging I'd there build my nest And lay there all night on his lily-white breast He promised to meet me at Donnybrook Fair And buy me blue ribbons to tie in my hair And if I should meet him I'd crown him with joy And kiss the sweet lips of my true sailor boy If I were a blackbird I'd whistle and sing I'd follow that vessel my true love sails in And on the top rigging I'd there build my nest And lay there all night on his lily-white breast ♪ If I was a scholar, could handle my pen Just one private letter to him I would send I'd write and I'd tell him of my grief and woe And follow the oceans, to him I would go ♪ If I were a blackbird I'd whistle and sing I'd follow that vessel my true love sails in And on the top rigging I'd there build my nest And lay there all night on his lily-white breast