I'm a comet you're a satellite And the lights in this room Look like moonbeams tonight Or something from a cocktail At a convention we recently attended Art deco is best by night I say Trying to forget what happened today These tall buildings and massive crowds Don't appeal to me like they could've done I'm a comet at least everyone says But you were the first to know And yes attention gets to me In every additional way I'm glad I have a rug to wipe things under My gargoyles whisper from the wall They say they're here undercover And I'm watchin' a movie right now Where she says stay the night She might even say please And I think does it really matter What she'll say Will it play a part in Whether he will stay or not I know I'm here and you are there Toenails and embarrassment Next commercial issue on TV You're a satellite making the world your scene Like the sun through passin' clouds Sending your lasers out To other souls than mine Talking 'bout untied knots So I'm destined to move across the sky While you're out in space Somewhere from a distance Exploring destinations Tying them to you through thin air Looking to find your way back perhaps I'm a comet you're a satellite We're heavenly bodies our courses encounter At this point in life I'm a comet you're a satellite