OM KIRIE ELISON CHRISTE ELISON KIRIE ELISON CHRISTE ELISON KIRIE ELISON OM [...?] CHRISTE AVE MARIA KIRIE [...?] ELISON [...?] AVE MARIA CHRISTE ELISON [...?] SPIRITU GLORIOSO KIRIE [...?] ELISON AVE MARIA [...?] CHRISTE ELISON AVE MARIA [...?] AVE MARIA KIRIE [...?] ELISON AVE MARIA SANTA MARíA BENEDICTO AVE MARIA (Meaning: "Lord have mercy... The spirit of this second meditation on Mary Magdalene is that we are Essentially all coming from the same Source although superficially The spiritual traditions look different. The universality of the human soul is a starting place for Peace in the world and in the heart of mankind."- Patrick Bernard)