Hey obaa Waawolo! mmaa w) kurom nso woaa anadwo yi Nti saa hmm damn! who that there and how she dey move that there Whoaa! hemaa tia h) hw3 nne3 ak) hy3 Yi bra me p3 nti saa hmm damn Who that there and how she dey move that there? Hemaa don't be lazy yeah Go ahead and drop it down low Standing there looking like your body don't go All wobble wobble shit i gotta control Myself i know i know its just that ne ho) foo Jai! whoa! saa ne emu)) d3oo Sabolai booty Bra Ayisi yaa)p3oo Ka me Moet ehwie agu Hw3 hemma! wo ho y3 wo d3 o Hw33 nnea 33ba ne so) yiee 3n3 di3 me luck oo Ill fuck witchu At least you down with it ill puff witchu You can learn later don't worry i'll teach you Its a lil creepy yeah i know but i must witchu!! DO DA DAMN THANG!! Burn fat! oh I'm sorry i mean work that You even hotter when you mad girl yeah show me where its at girl Attitude hurt daddy Oh i like it nasty let it go i don't judge baby Nah you don't love me its a crush maybe Slow down on the champagne you get me Stay awake and on the pole never in a rush baby Meanwhile where your friends dey call em up We'll have a match all of em versus of us I take it y'all down i'll call your bluff And put these in your drink just to be sure enough... hey obaa Waawolo! mmaa w) kurom nso woaa anadwo yi Nti saa hmm damn! who that there and how she dey move that there Whoaa! hemaa tia h) hw3 nne3 ak) hy3 Yi bra me p3 nti saa hmm damn Who that there and how she dey move that there? Hemaa don't be lazy yeah Go ahead and drop it down low Standing there looking like your body don't go All wobble wobble shit i gotta control Myself i know i know its just that ne ho) foo Jai! whoa! saa ne emu)) d3oo Sabolai booty Bra Ayisi yaa)p3oo Ka me Moet ehwie agu Hw3 hemma! wo ho y3 wo d3 o Hw33 nnea 33ba ne so) yiee 3n3 di3 me luck oo Ill fuck witchu At least you down with it ill puff witchu You can learn later don't worry i'll teach you Its a lil creepy yeah i know but i must witchu!! DO DA DAMN THANG!! Burn fat! oh I'm sorry i mean work that You even hotter when you mad girl yeah show me where its at girl Attitude hurt daddy Oh i like it nasty let it go i don't judge baby Nah you don't love me its a crush maybe Slow down on the champagne you get me Stay awake and on the pole never in a rush baby Meanwhile where your friends dey call em up We'll have a match all of em versus of us I take it y'all down i'll call your bluff And put these in your drink just to be sure enough...